
Bunaken Marine Park on Danger

Bunaken Marine Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Icon of North Sulawesi, Bunaken Marine Park, were threatened because of waste disposal which carelessly. One expert said that waste have damaged coral reefs with very severe.

Researchers biodiversity of fish in the waters of North Sulawesi, Dr. Teguh Peristiwady, said there are about 70 percent of the wealth of the world's coral reefs in this region. Neither the fish community is a key resource in coral reefs and which plays an important role in coral reef ecosystems.

"Corals are animals, when there is garbage type of plastic covering it, there is no automatic direct contact with the sun, and now it can die. When we wanted to examine the fish, seen already a lot of dead coral, "he said.

Problem number of damaged reefs, Teguh reluctant to publish. "The point we must consider the ecosystem there. Anyway, now there has been severe, "he said.

True to declare Indonesia has a total area of coral reefs around 51 thousand square kilometers which accounts for 65 percent of the total area in the coral triangle and 18 percent of the total area of the world's coral reefs. Geographically, Indonesia lies between Asia and Australia and between two vast oceans, the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. World center of marine biodiversity (center of marine biodiversity) is located in the region that includes Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

If the boundary line drawn region surrounding coral reefs in the six countries that it will resemble a triangle. That is why the region is referred to as the world's coral triangle (coral triangle). The total area of coral reefs in the triangle about 75 thousand square kilometers.

True to expect the government to take action against the dirt of plastic float on the region's coral reefs. "Also, people should be aware to dispose of garbage in its place."

Bunaken Marine Park on Danger 

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